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Colleges in Canada - Colleges of Canada

There are over 160 Colleges in Canada, almost all of which are public and only a small number are private.

Colleges train specialists in the following programs:

  • Diploma (2 years)/Advanced Diploma (3 years) – secondary vocational education;

  • Applied Bachelor's Degree (4 years) - higher education;

  • Post-Graduate Diploma/Certificate Program (2/3/4 semesters) – post-graduate specializations based on higher education.


Applied Bachelor's Degree programs at colleges are more career-oriented and focus less on general academic courses.

Therefore, graduates of these programs may require additional courses/education to enter the Master's program.


Admission requirements for Diploma, Advanced Diploma Programs

  • A certificate of secondary or secondary specialized education with an average score of 65%;

  • IELTS minimum overall score of 6.0 with no score below 5.5 in each area (if you do not reach this score, you can take a preparatory English course at college);

  • Some programs require you to submit a portfolio/write an essay/pass a test for admission.

  • Tuition fees: from $15,000 CAN/2 semesters


Условия зачисления на Bachelor's Degree (4 года) программы

  • Аттестат о среднем, либо средне-специальном образовании со средним баллом от 75%;

  • IELTS minimum overall score of 6.5 with no score below 6.0 in each area (если Вы не дотягиваете до этого балла, то есть возможность пройти через подготовительный курс английского языка в колледже);

  • На некоторые программы для зачисления необходимо представить портфолио/написать эссе/пройти тестирование.

  • Стоимость обучения: от $16,000 CAN/2 семестра.


Admission requirements for Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate Programs (2/3/4 semesters) programs

  • Bachelor's degree in a relevant field;

  • IELTS minimum overall score of 6.5 with no score below 6.0 in each area (if you do not reach this score, you can take a preparatory English course at college);

  • Some programs require a portfolio/essay/test to be accepted.

  • Tuition fees: from $16,000 CAN/2 semesters

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From College to University

Many Colleges offer transfers after completion of their Diploma programmes to Undergraduate programmes at a number of Universities with which they have an articulation agreement.

An Articulation Agreement is a formal agreement between a College and a University that allows students enrolled in specific programs and achieving a certain grade point average to transfer to the 2nd or 3rd year of study at the University.

The disadvantage of translation by articulation agreement is the restrictions on the choice of specialties, as well as restrictions on the choice of University.

Another problem with transfer is that many degree programs do not easily transfer for credit to university programs due to the emphasis on highly specialized knowledge and skills; there is often no university equivalent.

Bachelor's Degree in Colleges

Many colleges offer 4-year Bachelor's degree programs.

But, as a rule, these are Applied Bachelor's Degree programs and the choice of these programs by specialty is somewhat limited.

Applied Bachelor's Degree programs are more career-oriented and place less emphasis on academic preparation.

Many Universities do not recognise applied degrees for entry into Masters and require additional courses to be taken for entry.

Bachelor's Degree in Colleges

Many colleges offer 4-year Bachelor's degree programs.

But, as a rule, these are Applied Bachelor's Degree programs and the choice of these programs by specialty is somewhat limited.

Applied Bachelor's Degree programs are more career-oriented and place less emphasis on academic preparation.

Many Universities do not recognise applied degrees for entry into Masters and require additional courses to be taken for entry.

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